Sunday, December 11, 2011

Creation empowers

I was sitting today and crafting some Christmas gifts - some would call them art, others craft - it really doesn't matter. It was a beautiful moment. A cup of tea, a bin of colorful yarn, the weak winter sun peaking out from behind a bank of clouds and a few minutes devoid of demands from others... and then it occurred to me... this act of creation, no matter how small, was empowering in a way that big actions, 'important' actions and endless meetings and presentations are not.

This act of creation, of taking something and enhancing it, making something more of it, is extraordinarily powerful. It takes us from being consumers - of objects, food, experiences and entertainment, where our power lies in how much we can spend, absorb, digest - to being the ultimate powerful beings, making something out of nothing...

I have a friend going through a difficult time - a number of things in her life aren't going the way that she planned, from her health to her career. At this time, she's feeling powerless in her fight to retain her sense of self, and her hope that her life will still move in a direction she'll recognize, and that she'll recognize herself as she adjusts to this life that looks so different from the one she imagined. Amid this feeling of betrayal by life, this feeling that perhaps we actually aren't in control and can't attract the circumstances and situations we desire, she's feeling hopeless and weak. I can think of no better time to begin to create... anything. Why? Because it isn't even about what we create (a meal, a home, a memo, a piece of art or a scarf from lovely yarn), it's the act of creation. It reminds us of our power.

So let's unite in creation without expectation or judgment. Let's not create because we want to prove anything to anyone. Let's not create only when we're 'artists.' Let us create because it reminds us that at our core, we are powerful, we are divine, we ARE the Creator.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

...visions of downsizing danced in my head...

Ok, maybe not so much downsizing as a (possibly temporary) decrease in living space.

We're looking to move to nearby neighborhood - closer to friends, closer to public transit, closer to a school the kids will likely attend...

Interestingly, although by car this neighborhood is barely 5 minutes away from our current home, public transit opportunities are much different. In our current neighborhood, the bus route has been drastically reduced in terms of number of buses that run daily, and when it’s -30ÂșC... well, it makes a huge difference.

So it makes sense to move. I’ve also been dreaming of a bigger yard – although I’m not driven by a huge house or fancy car, a large yard makes my heart beat faster and a smile cover my face…

Unfortunately, this new neighborhood is more expensive... this means that we're looking at houses differently, more in terms of envisioning what we could eventually add on in terms of space... and that has us discussion in much more detail exactly what kind of space we need and want. Suddenly, when thinking of building, more choices are available because we're making choices around room sizes in a way that we wouldn't if we were buying a place we weren't intending to change... we are engaging in animated (nice word, huh? lol) discussions about what space we really need. Wow! Who knew how much difference of opinion could occur over a foot here or there!

The wonder of it all is that I have hope that we’ll end up with less space but better space. Space we’ll actually use. Because although we’re not in a huge house right now, its layout makes it all too easy to only use half of it while filling the other half with ‘stuff we’ll use some day.’ All these discussions are also encouraging us to consider carefully what things and what spaces really add beauty and joy to our lives and work for us… the way we are, the way we live.

All this is going through my mind as I sort through accumulated treasures, treasures I am slowly but surely letting go in a quest to right size my home and upgrade my location!

More to come on this for sure!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

why can't mid-size be sexy too?

Large mansions are sexy to some (yup - I love looking at all those decorating magazines in the check-out at the grocery store) - and we know people who have just built a lovely large home!

Tiny homes are sexy to others (or sometimes even to the same people if I'm anyone to go by) - I spend hours online looking at beautiful small/tiny homes.

Skinny people invite commentary as do fat ones.

Minimalists and collectors.

Work-aholics and those who want to work not at all.

So what do I do when I'm a "mid-sized" person, living in a mid-sized house, working on a mid-sized life...? Perhaps we need to glamorize this mid-size/right-size life for a change...

I have no interest (at least not at this time - although I find it incredibly inspiring) to live with only 100 things, I have no interest (at least not right now, although I'm tempted) to live in an Airstream trailer or a tumbleweed home... I LOVE having art supplies handy (although I do have too many and am working to keep only those I use), I LOVE having a garden with fruit trees and vegetables growing, a home with room to have friends over and chairs for them to sit on... and I wonder, just wonder about whether or not this mid-sized life, this RIGHT-size life can be made to be sexy too? I mean, I want to have a sexy life (LOL), I want to be inspired and inspiring... so...

I want to reduce clutter and stuff and chaos in my life... and live with things that enhance my enjoyment of my everyday

I want to live happily in a mid-century, mid-sized (ok, some might even call it small by today's standards) home... with room for myself, my family, our pets and our friends

I want to live simply and focus on what matters to me...

maybe I just want to know that it can look this way for me...

with not too much

and not too little...

not 100 things but not a million either...

not so much clutter that I can't find my mind...

but not so much pressure to make it look like others'

Debt free - yup that feels good
A house small enough so we can keep track of each other and big enough so there's room for us and our friends - yup, that's right for me too
Eating and living simply feels good
Working less and living more feels good

Clearing the clutter to right-size... it just feels good!
So I will continue to fill bags of items to donate or sell...
I will continue to question purchases and reduce the number of things I let into the house...
I will make sure that the images that I linger on are those that inspire me to live the life I image would make me happiest... (thank goodness for all those lovely pictures of homes posted by inspired and inspiring people ...
And I will continue to look at creating a space that works for me and those I love most... not too big, not to small... just right.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

300,000 words in 1 year????

I don't even know what 300,000 words look like! Chris Gillebeau has written a great post "How to write 300,000 words in 1 year." I'm a bit of a sucker for "how to" posts and also for posts that feel like they're daring me to do something outside my comfort zone - now that could get me into all kinds of trouble, I know! lol

So... i just put the idea aside for a day... then came back to it... then shared it with my hubby... then put it aside... and that told me that clearly there was something to this idea of writing more that appealed to me. So I've decided to try this ... again. I will write, I will blog, I will obsess with putting into words that which I am thinking about. Funny thing is that when I look back at the posts from last year, I like them - not sure why that surprises me, but hey. So, instead of worrying about writing well, and writing about deep things that will immediately change the world, I will focus on writing. I will work on trusting the process of writing and make the process the goal. Will I end up writing 1,000 words a day, six days a week like Chris? I’m not sure. Fears about having something I want to write about 6 days a week are already threatening to stop me in my tracks. So I will simply write more. I will write posts here and on my other blog (Pebbles and Glass), write responses to other posts by other people, I will write some articles that I don’t public right away… I will count but I will endeavour not to judge – at least not too much…

And so, here I go… imperfect, but excited, and determined to write. Thanks Chris!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 - simplicity, peace, practice

My words for the year...

- simplicity - in things, in activities and certainly in 'shoulds'... getting rid of excess to enjoy the important

- peace - to seek peace in all encounters, at home, at work and when among strangers... even in disagreements

- practice - practice coaching, practice yoga, practice art... focus on the practice not the result, knowing and trusting that results will then follow effortlessly...

Here's to a super 2011